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How To Eat Your Way To Your Ideal Body

The Nutritionist

USANA NZ. Perfect Health Supplements

I can remember my Mother saying “You’re not leaving the table until you’ve finished your veggies!”

Does this sound familiar?

I always had to force them down…and I recall her mentioning something about getting a hairy chest – I’m glad that was a fib!!

I wonder if that’s the reason that as adults we eat whenever and whatever we want – because we can. However it looks, it's rather ironic that I'm now writing on How To Eat being the very thing I didn't want to do when I was younger.

But a lot of us have unfortunately got ourselves into trouble with our health and the ‘amount’ of food we eat and the ‘choices’ that are available, which has led us into being over weight and being over weight, simply leads to illness and life threatening diseases.

Is Dieting The Answer?

Most of us have tried dieting to some degree and most of us have failed; it’s not much fun is it?

I’m going to share with you a secret, what if I told you there was a way to decrease your overall fat percentage and lose weight – forever?

It’s plain and simple – don’t diet!! I know that seems like a contradiction in terms, it’s just there’s a lot more to it than that, but don’t be put off…because it doesn’t have to be complicated.

But keep reading and I’ll wet your appetite, so to speak!

Improving the way you eat is one of the most important things to consider when trying to lose fat, but why set yourself up for a big failure when trying a new ‘fad’ diet on the market or one of the widely known commercial ones. Why not step back and consider changing the way you eat?...and I know all diets change the way you eat and it’s generally including the foods that you’ve tried to avoid. What if you were able to keep some of the treats you enjoy and lose weight at the same time? It’s definitely possible but the first step is to change your overall perspective.

Look At The Overall Picture - Not Just Diet

Why do we need to look at the overall picture? Well you want to keep the fat off forever right? So ditch the diets and let me show you how to improve your overall approach and behaviour on food. Plus, you'll get further insights from other professionals in other areas on how you manage your day effectively lowering stress levels, tips on keeping your home healthy, improving relationships, money advice, guidelines on fitness and exercise plus you'll learn all about effective supplementation because lets face it, you know and I don't eat as well as you could and even the most fanatical Vegan, still would struggle to get all their essential nutrients from diet alone - so our product partner in all our online materials is Usana NZ.

USANA Health Sciences (USANA NZ) manufacturers a world class nutritional, weight loss and personal care products.

If you found yourself here from the Link to USANA RESET 5 Day Weight Management System...then you can find that particular product here

The MyHealth E-Book

My special e-book on the ‘The MyHealth Guide'’ – you’ll find out how to create a better, more productive life through improving the way you eat - 1-Day at the time.

Implement the Simple Daily Task that you've been given. Monitor your results in the guide.

You may notice some simple changes that need to happen…like needing to be a little more organized before you set off for the day. But I know you’ll be pleased with the results and this is the best part from the food side…you can still go out with friends and go to nice restaurants or even order take out

So what would make you choose to take action?

Because this is your life and you’re in control of it. If you’re overweight, wouldn’t you like a more toned, healthy look? Well you don’t need, or for that matter, want to be ruled through dieting day in and day out, do you? And maybe you don’t want to have to bring unwanted attention to yourself by telling your friends, yet again, that you’re on another diet, and then tell them a few weeks later that you couldn’t stick to it or it didn’t work!

I can promise that you’ll be finding out about the myths of dieting, and the foods to avoid and why. I’ll show you the type of exercise that’s optimal for fat loss. You’ll find out the best times of the day to exercise and why exercise is beneficial to reducing overall weight. You’ll have access a variety of tasty eating plans that’ll fit into your lifestyle and best of all…maintaining your goal weight. I’ll provide the basic tools so you can stay at your weight forever.

You don’t have to diet forever and you don’t have want to try different diets week after week. Let me show by following simple steps you know how to make sure you don’t gain that weight back.

And remember…it’s easy – when you know! All you need is the right knowledge.

Committed to your health.

Dale Folland





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